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Utbildningar, kurser och webinar


Samtalsterapeut inriktning CFT
Expressa utbildningscenter


 Uppnådda kunskapsmål och färdigheter:

• Ökad självkännedom, självmedvetenhet och personlig utveckling
• Kunskap i Compassionfokuserad terapi
• Förståelse för sin roll som samtalsterapeut
• Insikt om etik och tystnadsplikt
• Kunskap om webterapi
• Förmåga att hålla i professionella, hjälpande och svåra samtal
• Kunskap i grundläggande samtalsmetodik
• Välutvecklad kommunikationsförmåga
• Utvecklats i rollen som god hjälpare och lyssnare
• Ökad kunskap om kris och sorg
• Praktiska färdigheter i arbetet som samtalsterapeut

"Att bemöta människor med NPF och att själva ha det" 

Föreläsning av Erik Donell

En motiverande föreläsning där jag tog del av praktiska, handfasta tips och tricks på hur jag kan bemöta, hjälpa och leva med NPF  på bästa sätt.


Trauma Super conference


Conscious life


Conference featuring 60+ of the world’s leading experts who discuss the far-reaching impacts trauma can have and share the most radically comprehensive roadmap to date for optimal health on every level. For example:

·       Healing our collective trauma

·       Understanding and healing relational trauma

·       Somatic methods for trauma integration

·       Breathwork for trauma healing

·       Organizational and group trauma work

·       Handling workplace trauma

·       How evolution and biology factor into trauma

·       Navigating chronic pain and inflammation

·       Attachment and emotional maturity

·       Relational trauma

·       Stress and burnout as a symptom of trauma

·       Navigating the journey of grief

·       The power of functional medicine for healing

EFT - Emotional Freedom
Technique Diploma Course

Center of Exellence

EFT stands for the Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a mind / body tool that clears physical and emotional blocks from your energy system with nothing more than your fingers and intention. It is one of the simplest, fastest ways to heal from almost any kind of trauma, whether it happened yesterday or 50 years ago. EFT is so easy to learn and apply, it is non-invasive, gentle, forgiving and non-judgmental. It can be adapted to any situation and can be taught to children and adults alike.

Interpersonell psykoterapi vid trauma
Högskolan Sap

Föreläsning om IPT som ett behandlingsalternativ vid trauma


As a certified Trauma Tapper I have proven capable of helping myrself and others self-regulate with TTT for symptoms of stress and trauma.

  • What EMDR is and how it can be used to treat trauma and other mental health conditions

  • The history and development of EMDR as a therapy

  • The theoretical foundations of EMDR and how it is believed to work

  • The eight-phase EMDR treatment protocol

  • How to use EMDR with clients to address specific presenting issues

  • Techniques for preparing clients for EMDR treatment

  • Strategies for using EMDR to address negative beliefs and emotions

  • Tips for integrating EMDR into a broader treatment plan

  • The role of the therapist in the EMDR process

  • How to use EMDR to process traumatic memories and reduce distress associated with them

  • Ethical considerations in the use of EMDR

  • Contraindications for using EMDR

  • Research on the effectiveness of EMDR

  • Common misconceptions about EMDR and how to address them

  • Continuing education opportunities in EMDR

  • Techniques for using EMDR to address stress and stress-related disorders

  • Techniques for using EMDR to address depression

  • Strategies for using EMDR to address anxiety and panic attacks

  • How to use EMDR to address physical symptoms that may be related to emotional distress

EMDR Therapy Training

Certification For Trauma & PTSD

Udemy academy

TTT - Trauma Tapping Technique 

Certified trauma tapper- Peaceful Heart foundation

Fully Accredited Professional EFT Tapping Certification

Udemy Academy






This programme is accredited, and this Udemy course is recognized for certification by Virtued Academy International, an autonomous institute, under the Virtued Society, incorporated under the act 21, 1860 of the Government of U.P., India. Validity & Utility of the training is conditionally in conformity with the Constitution of India, and the laws of the land under Article 19 1 G. Virtued Academy International provides continuing education for individuals interested in self-development and students should contact the IAOTH, UK for registration/ accreditation and relevant local authorities for the scope of practice.

The Complete EMDR Therapy Course - Accredited Certification

Udemy Academy

In this course I have learned:

  • Introduction to EMDR Therapy

  • Introduction to Emotional and Psychological Trauma

  • Dual Awareness

  • Window of Tolerance

  • Safe Place / Calm Place Exercise

  • Container Exercise

  • Resource Figures Creation Exercise

  • Butterfly Hug Exercise

  • EMDR 8-Phase Protocol

  • Step by Step EMDR Therapy

  • EMDR Session Sample Videos

  • Self-EMDR

  • EMDR for PTSD

  • EMDR Researches

  • How to Start a Consulting Business

  • Professional Growth Tips

  • Research Updates


Samtal och kommunikation: Teori och praktik ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv, 7,5 hp


Örebro universitet  

Kursen handlar om hur kommunikation fungerar och hur man kan föra hjälpsamma samtal. Kursen omfattar vetenskapen om kommunikation och bemötande, samt praktiska övningar i att föra samtal i olika sammanhang.

Perfektionism och Prokrastinering 2.0 hp





1. Beskriva och redogöra för grundläggande mekanismer kring hur prokrastinering och

perfektionism fungerar utifrån psykologisk forskning.

2. Analysera situationer, tankar och känslor som kan påverka prokrastinering och perfek-

tionism utifrån rådande forskningsrön.

3. Tillämpa övningar och strategier för att minska icke önskvärda effekter av prokrastinering

och perfektionism.



  • What is metacognition and metacognitive therapy?

  • Using metacognitive therapy to reduce worry and rumination

  • Deliver metacognitive therapy to a client (or to yourself)

  • Apply metacognitive therapy to anxiety, depression, PTSD and OCD

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